재무금융관련 공동학술대회
2021년 재무금융 관련 5개학회 발표논문 제2분과 기업재무1
작성자 관리자






Corporate Pledgeable Asset Ownership and Stock Price Crash Risk

-최상학 /이준엽 /우상겸 / 정하일(UNIST)




Migration Flows and M&A Decisions

-박정철(University of South Florida) /  Suin Lee(University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)
  Christos Pantzalis(University of South Florida)




Managerial Focus and Investment Efficiency: Evidence from Spin-Offs

-이수인(University of Texas Rio Grande Valley) /   Yoon K. Choi(University of Central Florida)
 김용헌(University of Cincinnati) /  박정철(University of South Florida)







