재무금융관련 공동학술대회
2021년 재무금융 관련 5개학회 발표논문 제5분과 박사과정
작성자 관리자

Political Risk, Financial Constraint, and Managerial Risk Preferences  : Evidence from M&A Decisions

-이예환(KAIST) / 한승헌(KAIST)





Managerial Ability and Labor Productivity: A Case in Korea

-안동환(중앙대학교) / 유시용(중앙대학교)





Intellectual Property Rights and Employee Stock Option Compensation   : Evidence from Court of Appeals Federal Circuit Ruling in 2008

-장수미 (University of Massachusetts Lowell)





Distress Resolution Through New Block Formation : Implication for Ownership Concentration

