학회 공지사항
APAD 2020 Call for Papers
작성자 관리자

Call for Papers: The 16th Annual Conference of

the Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives (APAD)


Conference dates

14, July, 2020 (America, Asia and Europe Time Zones)


Online(Virtual Conference)



Call for Papers

The 16th Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives

July 14, 2020, Online

The Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives (APAD) will hold its 16th Annual Conference online (virtual conference) on July 14th, 2020. After a series of discussions and consultations, the program committee of APAD 2020 have decided to hold the conference as a virtual conference in response to the continuing threat from developments of the coronavirus (COVID-19) throughout the world. Our decision by the Korea Derivatives Association and Program Committee for APAD 2020 was made for the health and safety of our participants, members, staffs, sponsors and their significant others. 


The online APAD 2020 is rescheduled to hold the opening program as well as all presentation sessions as virtual sessions on the 14th of July, 2020. Even though we will provide more information in detail when it becomes available, presentations and discussions should be pre-recorded for promoting effective delivery of materials to audiences and open to all participants of the conference. However, we encourage presenters and discussants to join real-time online questions and answers sessions at the conference date. To consider differences in the time zones and facilitate participants’ attendances, we accommodate three-time zone sessions: America, Asia and Europe which will be announced when the conference program is completed. 


As a small token to appreciate the efforts of pre-recording presentations and discussions, we plan to provide honoraria for presenters and discussants. Awards for one best paper and one honorable mention should be announced during a virtual ceremony.  As already announced, a special issue of the Journal of Futures Markets and the Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies (JDQS) will publish selected peer reviewed papers from the APAD 2020. Papers on any fields of study in finance are welcome including: Derivatives; Volatility; Risk Management; Regulation; Asset Pricing; Investments; Market Microstructure; Behavioral Finance among others. 


APAD 2020 will be delivered in an innovative way to the academic community of derivatives and related areas by changing its venue from the conventional in-person event to an online-only format. It should bring the entire participants together with a novel experience. Please join us for keynote speech and paper presentation sessions.



  • Full Paper Submission Deadline: 10th of May, 2020 (http://www.conftool.net/apad2020)

  • Notification of Acceptance: 20th of May, 2020

  • Final Registration Date: 31th of May, 2020 (http://www.conftool.net/apad2020)

  • Final Paper and Presentation Video File Submission Date: 15th of June, 2020 
  • Paper Discussion Video File Submission Date: 30th of June, 2020  


  • Papers written in English must be submitted via http://www.conftool.net/apad2020, using MS Word or Adobe pdf file format.

  • The cover page should include the affiliation, address, phone and email of each author. The length of abstract is usually 200 words, but there is no restriction.

  • If you have any question with the paper submission, please let us know via email at 2020apadconf@gmail.com.

  • We hope that each participant agrees to serve as a paper discussant.

  • Special Issue Publication: A special issue of the Journal of Futures Markets and the Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies (JDQS) will publish selected peer reviewed papers from the 16th annual APAD conference.

  • Paper Awards: One best paper award of US $1,000 and one honorable mentions of US $500 respectively will be announced at the conference. 
  • Honorarium for paper presenter US $300 and online registration fee is exempt for all participants.

PUBLICATION OPPORTUNITIES: APAD 2020 Special Issue on Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies (JDQS) 

  • The Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies (JDQS) sponsored by the Korea Derivatives Association will publish a special issue devoted to the 16th annual APAD conference.

  • Authors of papers accepted to APAD 2020 are invited to submit their papers to be considered.
  • No submission fee is required.
  • US $2,000 will be granted to each selected paper.
  • All relevant areas are welcome!


  • Jerome Detemple, Morton H.; Charlotte Friedman Professor in Management, Boston University (Ex-https://kiweb-society.s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/builder_8118/editor-in-Chief of Mathematical Finance)
  • It may change depending on the situation. 


  • Specialized focus on research in derivative securities and markets

  • Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Futures Markets and the Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies.


APAD, whose inaugural conference was held in 2004, is an organization comprising academics, practitioners as well as regulators operating in the derivatives markets in the Asia-Pacific region. The main objective of this association is to promote research and knowledge on derivative securities and markets. The APAD has been supported by the Korea Exchange (KRX) and other participating exchanges in the Asia-Pacific region. 



Chae, Joon, Ph.D. 

President of Korea Derivatives Association 

Graduate School of Business, Seoul National University 

Phone : 82-2-880-0629, E-mail : joonchae@snu.ac.kr


Kim, Bum, Ph.D. 

Program Chair of the APAD2020 

School of Finance, Soongsil University 

Phone : 82-2-820-0563, E-mail : bumkim@ssu.ac.kr 

For further information, contact Lee, Jaeram, Ph.D.(APAD program director, College of Business, 

Gachon University, phone: 82-31-750-8745, 2020apadconf@gmail.com) 
