학회 공지사항
APAD2008 The 5th Conference of Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives
작성자 관리자
The 5th Conference of Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives at Westin Chosun Hotel, Busan, Korea

June 26 – 27, 2008

by Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives (APAD)
Korea Derivatives Association (KDA)

Under the auspices of
Korea Exchange (KRX)
Korea Futures Association (KOFA)

Greetings from the APAD2008 Program Chair

Welcome to the fifth annual conference of the Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives! The previous APAD conferences have surely promoted research in the area of derivative securities markets and have provided us opportunities to meet with academicians, practitioners, and regulators in the Asia-Pacific region. At this APAD2008 conference, we will continue our tradition. In particular, the current conference features 30 reviewed papers from abroad and within altogether and a special symposium entitled Toward the Globally Competitive Asian Derivatives Exchanges. Therefore we sincerely hope the conference to provide all the participants from abroad as well as within with opportunities to communicate with each other and to enhance our collaboration in fostering Asian capital markets to be globally competitive. More active inter-market relationship and strategic alliance would be anticipated. To that regard, The Korea Exchange is very supportive to the APAD conference when it is at the 2nd phase of new 3-year management plan for the globally competitive KRX. Thus, this conference is also held in commemoration of the dawning of new era for the KRX.

On behalf of all APAD members, I acknowledge the great sponsorship of the Korea Exchange and the Korea Futures Association for this conference. Also I appreciate the enthusiastic commitment of Taiwan Futures Exchange and Taipei University to host the APAD2009 Conference in Taipei. Finally I wish all of you to have a great time in Busan.

Joon-Haeng Lee, Ph.D.
Program Chair of the APAD2008 Conference
President of Korea Derivatives Association