APAD 자료실
APAD 2021 Session 4 - 6
작성자 관리자
*Session 4: Fixed Income Securities
-Why Have Actively Managed Bond Funds Remained Popular?
Jaewon Choi* (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
K. J. Martijn Cremers (Univ. of Notre Dame)
Timothy B. Riley (Univ. of Arkansas)
-Issuance and Valuation of Corporate Bonds with Quantitative Easing
Stefano Pegoraro * (Univ. of Notre Dame)
Mattia Montagna (European Central Bank)
-One Session Options: Playing the announcement lottery?
Lee A Smales * (Univ. of Western Australia)
*Session 5: Credit Risk and Insurance
-Warrants in the Financial Management Decisions of Innovative Firms
Hyuna Park* (Brooklyn College of the City Univ. of New York)
-The Sources of Risk in Credit Portfolio
Yongwoong Lee (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Kisung Yang (Soongsil Univ.)
Yongbok Cho * (Korea Univ.)
-Municipal Bond Insurance and the U.S. Drinking Water Crisis
Ashwini Agrawal ((London School of Economics & Political Science)
Daniel Kim * (BI Norwegian Business School)
*Session 6: Empirical Asset Pricing
-Executives Blaming External Factors and Market Reactions: Evidence from Earnings Conference Calls
Joonki Noh * (Case Western Reserve Univ.)
Dexin Zhou ((Baruch College, City Univ. of New York)
-Correlations, Value Factor Returns, and Growth Options
Lorenzo Schonleber * (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
-Does Portfolio Disclosure Make Money Smarter?
Byoung Uk Kang * (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Andrew J. Sinclair (Univ. of Hong Kong)
Stig J. Xeno (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
-Why Have Actively Managed Bond Funds Remained Popular?
Jaewon Choi* (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
K. J. Martijn Cremers (Univ. of Notre Dame)
Timothy B. Riley (Univ. of Arkansas)
-Issuance and Valuation of Corporate Bonds with Quantitative Easing
Stefano Pegoraro * (Univ. of Notre Dame)
Mattia Montagna (European Central Bank)
-One Session Options: Playing the announcement lottery?
Lee A Smales * (Univ. of Western Australia)
*Session 5: Credit Risk and Insurance
-Warrants in the Financial Management Decisions of Innovative Firms
Hyuna Park* (Brooklyn College of the City Univ. of New York)
-The Sources of Risk in Credit Portfolio
Yongwoong Lee (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Kisung Yang (Soongsil Univ.)
Yongbok Cho * (Korea Univ.)
-Municipal Bond Insurance and the U.S. Drinking Water Crisis
Ashwini Agrawal ((London School of Economics & Political Science)
Daniel Kim * (BI Norwegian Business School)
*Session 6: Empirical Asset Pricing
-Executives Blaming External Factors and Market Reactions: Evidence from Earnings Conference Calls
Joonki Noh * (Case Western Reserve Univ.)
Dexin Zhou ((Baruch College, City Univ. of New York)
-Correlations, Value Factor Returns, and Growth Options
Lorenzo Schonleber * (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
-Does Portfolio Disclosure Make Money Smarter?
Byoung Uk Kang * (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Andrew J. Sinclair (Univ. of Hong Kong)
Stig J. Xeno (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)