APAD 자료실
APAD 2020 Session 1 - 3
작성자 관리자
***Session 1: Asset Pricing: Theoretica

*Capital Allocation and the Market for Mutual Funds: Inspecting the Mechanism

Jules H. van Binsbergen (Univ. of Pennsylvania; NBER)
Jeong Ho (John) Kim (Emory Univ.)
Soohun Kim* (Georgia Institute of Technology)

*Idiosyncratic Volatility and the Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model

Gang Li* (Univ. of Toronto)

*The More Illiquid, The More Expensive: A Search-Based Explanation of the Illiquidity Premium

Jaewon Choi* (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Jungsuk Han (Stockholm School of Economic)
Sean Shin (Aalto Univ.)
Ji Hee Yoon (Univ. College London)

***Session 2: Future

*Multiscale Spillovers, Connectedness, and Portfolio Management among Commodity Futures Markets: Linkages among Precious and Industrial Metals, Energy, Agriculture, and Livestock

Walid Mensi (Sultan Qaboos Univ.)
Xuan Vinh Vo (Univ. of Economics Ho Chi Minh City)
Sang Hoon Kang* (Pusan National Univ.)

*Average Futures: Anti-manipulation Effects, Types, and Volatility

Kwang il Bae (Chonnam National Univ.)
Jin Yoo* (Hanyang Univ.)

*Is Hedging with Financial Derivatives Effective During Financial Crises?

Sung C. Bae* (Bowling Green State Univ.)
Taek Ho Kwon (Chungnam National Univ.)

***Session 3: Asset Pricing: Empirical

*Imprecise and Informative: Lessons from Market Reactions to Imprecise Disclosure

J. Anthony Cookson (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder)
S. Katie Moon (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder)
Joonki Noh* (Case Western Reserve Univ.)

*In Search of a Factor Model for Optionable Stocks

Turan Bali (Georgetown Univ.)
Scott Murray* (Georgia State Univ.)

*Why do Funds Make More When They Trade More?

Jaden Jonghyuk Kim (International Monetary Fund)
Jung Hoon Lee* (Tulane Univ.)
Shyam Venkatesan (Univ. of Western Ontario)