APAD 자료실
APAD 2022 Session 7 - 9
작성자 관리자
Session 07_01_Mutual Fund Flows and Capital Supply in Municipal Financing.pdf
Session 07_03_Outsourced Fund and Risk-taking A Tale of Two Contracts.pdf
Session 08.zip
Session 09.zip
*Session 07 Mutual Funds
-Mutual Fund Flows and Capital Supply in Municipal Financing
-Outsourced Fund and Risk-taking: A Tale of Two Contracts
*Session 08 Investments
-In Search of a Factor Model for Option Returns
-Expectation-Driven Term Structure of Equity and Bond Yields
-Politicians’ Asset Allocation and Economic Bill Proposals
*Session 09 Empirical Finance
-Risk Hedging and Loan Covenants
-nvironmental regulation, pollution, and shareholder wealth
-Who has an edge in trading index derivatives?
-Mutual Fund Flows and Capital Supply in Municipal Financing
-Outsourced Fund and Risk-taking: A Tale of Two Contracts
*Session 08 Investments
-In Search of a Factor Model for Option Returns
-Expectation-Driven Term Structure of Equity and Bond Yields
-Politicians’ Asset Allocation and Economic Bill Proposals
*Session 09 Empirical Finance
-Risk Hedging and Loan Covenants
-nvironmental regulation, pollution, and shareholder wealth
-Who has an edge in trading index derivatives?