APAD 자료실
Session 22-04 : Information and Credit
작성자 관리자
1. Intraday Dynamics in Long Memory Volatility
Relationships between the Japanese and Korean Stock Markets

Sang Hoon Kang
(Pusan National Univ.)
Ron McIver
(School of Commerce Univ.
of South Australia)
Seong-Min Yoon
(Pusan National Univ.)

2. Liquidity Basis between Credit Default Swaps and Corporate Bonds Markets

Kwanho Kim
(Chungbuk National Univ.)

3. Credit Information Production and the Allocation of External Finance: Growth Opportunity vs. Risk

Bongseok Choi
(Korea Energy Economics Institute)

4. Options and Swaps on Motor Insurance Loss Rate

Taehan Bae (Univ. of Regina)
Changki Kim (Korea Univ.)