Writer 관리자
The 8th Conference of Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives

Grand Hotel, Busan, Korea
AUG 25-26, 2011

The Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives (APAD) will hold its 8th Annual Conference on August 25-26, 2011 at the Grand Hotel in Busan, Korea. A special issue containing selected peer reviewed papers presented at the conference will appear in the Journal of Future Markets. Accommodations for paper presenters, session chairs and discussants will be provided under the auspices of Korea Derivative Association and Korea Exchange. Papers on derivative securities are welcome (but not limited to) to the following topical areas: Derivatives and Asset Pricing, Financial Risk Management, Credit Risk Modeling and Management, Commodity Risk Management, Regulatory Reform.

Accommodation for non-Koreans (presenters, session chairs and discussants):
* Free accommodation for 24th and 25th nights and free meals will be provided
* Hotel: Grand Hotel

* Submission Deadline : June 10th, 2011 (E-mail:
* Notification of Acceptance : July 10th, 2011
* Application for session chairs and discussants: June 10th, 2011

* Special Issue Publication: A special issue containing peer reviewed selected papers from the 8th APAD conference will appear in the special issue of Journal of Futures Market in August 2012.
* Best Paper Awards: One best paper awards of US $2,000 and two honorary mentions of US $1,000 respectively.

Brief Chronicle of APAD:
APAD, inaugural conference held in 2004, is an organization comprising academics, practitioners as well as regulators operating in the derivative markets in the Asia Pacific region. The main objective of this association is to promote research on and increase knowledge the use of derivative securities and markets. Fully supported by the Korea Stock Exchange (KRX) and with the help of the other participating exchanges in the Asia Pacific region, the APAD has alternated the conference venue between Busan, Korea and other places in Asia Pacific region such as Bangalore and Gurgaon, India for the past years. We will continue the tradition of alternating conference venue between Busan, Korea and other cities in Asia Pacific region.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Please contact Dr. Kang, Hyoung-Goo (Director of APAD2011) at or visit the conference website at (KDA homepage)

Kim, Moosung, Ph.D.
President of KDA, Program Chair of the APAD2011
Pusan National University, phone : 82-51-510-2571

Jun, Sang-gyung, Ph.D.
Preparation Committee Chair of the APAD2011
Department of Finance, Hanyang University School of Business
phone : 82-2-2220-1650, E-mail:

Kang, Hyoung-Goo, Ph.D.
Director of the APAD2011
Department of Finance, Hanyang University School of Business
phone : 82-2-2220-2883, E-mail:

Under the auspices of: Korea Derivative Association ( and Korea Exchange (