2020년 추계학술논문 Session 5~6
작성자 관리자



 Session5  박사과정1



1.Liquidation Cascade and Hedging Front-Running: Evidence from the Structured Equity Product Market

_ 어준경, 조원호


2.The Sources of Risk in Credit Portfolio and Their Hedge Possibility_ 이용웅, 양기성,조원복



3.Testing the Local Martingale Theory of Bubbles using Cryptocurrencies

  _최순혁, Robert A. Jarrow?




Session6  박사과정2



1.The Value of Financial Education : Who Would Benefit the Most in the Long Run?

  _ 장가영, 배경훈, 강형구, Pearleen Tan



2.When we leave the information on the table: information shock and stock _ 장현웅






