APAD Conference Archive
APAD 2023 Session 1 - 3
Writer 관리자
1_1_Price Discovery for Derivatives.pdf
1_3_Bank Capital Regulation and Derivatives Clearing.pdf
1_4_Forecasting Option Returns with News.pdf
2_3_What Drives the TIPS-Treasury Bond Mispricing.pdf
2_4_Credit Risk and Lagged Credit Rating Revision.pdf
3_1_Global Insolvency and Cross-border Acquisitions.pdf
3_2_Growing beyond firm boundaries through strategic alliances Role of labor market frictions.pdf
3_3_The effects of information asymmetry on shareholder participation Effective monitoring or disruption.pdf
3_4_Endogenous Corporate Disclosure during the COVID-19 Lockdown.pdf
*Session 01 Derivative Securities I
Price Discovery for Derivatives
Bank Capital Regulation and Derivatives Clearing
Forecasting Option Returns with News
*Session 02 Fixed Income Securities
What Drives the TIPS-Treasury Bond Mispricing?
Credit Risk and Lagged Credit Rating Revision
*Session 03 Corporate Finance
Global Insolvency and Cross-border Acquisitions
Growing beyond firm boundaries through strategic alliances: Role of labor market frictions
The effects of information asymmetry on shareholder participation: Effective monitoring or disruption?
Endogenous Corporate Disclosure during the COVID-19 Lockdown